Database Reference
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{ 'comments' : 1 })
for comment iin page [ 'comments' ]:
iif comment [ 'slug' ] = comment_slug :
To perform this query efficiently, we'll need a new index on node_id, comments.slug (this
is assuming that slugs are only guaranteed unique within a node):
>>> db . comment_pages . ensure_index ([
( 'node_id' , 1 ), ( 'comments.slug' , 1 )])
Sharding Concerns
For all of the architectures just discussed, we will want the node_id field to participate in any
shard key we pick.
For applications that use the “one document per comment” approach, we'll use the slug (or
full_slug , in the case of threaded comments) fields in the shard key to allow the mongos in-
stances to route requests by slug :
>>> db . command ( 'shardcollection' , 'dbname.comments' , {
... 'key' : { 'node_id' : 1 , 'slug' : 1 } })
{ "collectionsharded" : "dbname.comments", "ok" : 1 }
In the case of comments that are fully embedded in parent content, the comments will just
participate in the sharding of their parent document.
For hybrid documents, we can use the page number of the comment page in the shard key
alongwiththe node_id topreventasinglediscussionfromcreatingagiant,unsplittablechunk
of comments. The appropriate command for this is as follows:
>>> db . command ( 'shardcollection' , 'dbname.comment_pages' , {
... key : { 'node_id' : 1 , 'page' : 1 } })
{ "collectionsharded" : "dbname.comment_pages", "ok" : 1 }
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