Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Since the full_slug field contains both hierarchical information (via the path) and chrono-
logical information, we can use a simple sort on the full_slug field to retrieve a threaded
cursor = db . comments . find ({ 'node_id' : node_id })
cursor = cursor . sort ( 'full_slug' )
cursor = cursor . skip ( page_num * page_size )
cursor = cursor . limit ( page_size )
To support these queries efficiently, maintain two compound indexes on node_id, posted
and node_id, full_slug :
>>> db . comments . ensure_index ([
( 'node_id' , 1 ), ( 'posted' , 1 )])
>>> db . comments . ensure_index ([
( 'node_id' , 1 ), ( 'full_slug' , 1 )])
Operation: Retrieve comments via direct links
To directly retrieve a comment, without needing to page through all comments, we can select
by the slug field:
comment = db . comments . find_one ({
'node_id' : node_id ,
'slug' : comment_slug })
We can also retrieve a “subdiscussion,” or a comment and all of its descendants recursively,
by performing a regular expression prefix query on the full_slug field:
import rre
subdiscussion = db . comments . find_one ({
'node_id' : node_id ,
'full_slug' : re . compile ( '^' + re . escape ( parent_full_slug )) })
subdiscussion = subdiscussion . sort ( 'full_slug' )
Since we've already created indexes on { node_id: 1, full_slug: 1 } to support retriev-
ing subdiscussions, we don't need to add any other indexes here to achieve good performance.
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