Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Since our queries tend to use both metadata.parent_id and metadata.slug , a unique index
on this combination is sufficient to get good performance:
>>> db . cms . assets . files . ensure_index ([
( 'metadata.parent_id' , 1 ), ( 'metadata.slug' , 1 )], unique = True )
Locate and render a node
To locate a “normal” node based on the value of metadata.parent_id and metadata.slug ,
we can use the find_one operation rather than find :
node = db . nodes . find_one ({ 'metadata.parent_id' : parent_id ,
'metadata.slug' : slug })
To locate an image based on the value of metadata.parent_id and metadata.slug , we use
the GridFS method get_version :
code , sourceCode , python
fs = GridFS ( db , 'cms.assets' )
with fs . get_version ({ 'metadata.parent_id' : parent_id , 'metadata.slug' : slug })
aas img_fpo :
# do something with the image file
Search for nodes by tag
To retrieve a list of “normal” nodes based on their tags, the query is straightforward:
nodes = db . nodes . find ({ 'metadata.tags' : tag })
To retrieve a list of images based on their tags, we'll perform a search on cms.assets.files
image_file_objects = db . cms . assets . files . find ({ 'metadata.tags' : tag })
fs = GridFS ( db , 'cms.assets' )
for image_file_object iin db . cms . assets . files . find (
{ 'metadata.tags' : tag }):
image_file = fs . get ( image_file_object [ '_id' ])
# do something with the image file
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