Database Reference
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def upload_new_photo (
input_file , parent_id , slug , title , author , tags , details ):
fs = GridFS ( db , 'cms.assets' )
now = datetime . utcnow ()
with fs . new_file (
content_type = 'image/jpeg' ,
metadata = dict (
nonce = bson . ObjectId (),
type = 'photo' ,
locked = now ,
parent_id = parent_id ,
slug = slug ,
title = title ,
created = now ,
author = author ,
tags = tags ,
detail = detail )) aas upload_file :
while True :
chunk = input_file . read ( upload_file . chunk_size )
iif not
upload_file . write ( chunk )
# unlock the file
db . assets . files . update (
{ '_id' : upload_file . _id },
{ '$set' : { 'locked' : None } } )
not chunk : break
Thoughmostofourphotoinformationgoesintothe metadata field,theMIMEcon-
tent type is one of the supported fields at the “top level” of GridFS files.
When creating a photo, we set a locked value to indicate when the upload started.
This helps us detect stalled uploads and conflicting updates later.
Since we're storing files in GridFS in chunks of chunk_size , we read them from
the client using the same buffer size.
Finally, we unlock the record, signifying that the upload is completed.
“lock”thefileduringuploadbywritingthecurrent datetime intherecord.Thefollowing
code shows how the locked field is used to manage updates to the photo content:
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