Database Reference
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Figure 5-4. Rename “Bop” to “BeBop”
First, we'll update the category name with the following operation:
db . categories . update (
{ '_id' : bop_id }, { '$set' : { 'name' : 'BeBop' } } )
Next, we'll update each descendant's ancestors list:
db . categories . update (
{ 'ancestors._id' : bop_id },
{ '$set' : { 'ancestors.$.name' : 'BeBop' } },
multi = True )
There are a couple of things to know about this update:
▪ We've used the positional operation $ to match the exact “ancestor” entry that matches the
▪ The multi option allows us to update all documents that match this query. By default,
MongoDB will only update the first document that matches.
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