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Find movies with a particular word in the title
In most relational and document-based databases, querying for a single word within a string-
type field requires scanning, making this query much less efficient than the others mentioned
One of the most-requested features of MongoDB is the so-called full-text index, which makes
queries such as this one more efficient. In a full-text index, the individual words (sometimes
even subwords) that occur in a field are indexed separately. In exciting and recent (as of the
writing of this section) news, development builds of MongoDB currently contain a basic full-
text search index, slated for inclusion in the next major release of MongoDB. Until MongoDB
probably deploying a separate full-text search engine (such as Apache Solr or ElasticSearch)
alongside MongoDB, if you're going to be doing a lot of text-based queries.
port for using regular expressions (regexes) with queries. In Python, we can pass a compiled
regex from the re module to the find() operation directly:
import rre
re_hacker = re . compile ( r'.*hacker.*' , re . IGNORECASE )
query = db . products . find ({ 'type' : 'Film' , 'title' : re_hacker })
query = query . sort ([( 'details.issue_date' , - 1 )])
Although this query isn't particularly fast, there is a type of regex search that makes good use
of the indexes that MongoDB does support: the prefix regex. Explicitly matching the begin-
MongoDB to use a “regular” index efficiently:
import rre
re_prefix = re . compile ( r'^A Few Good.*' )
query = db . products . find ({ 'type' : 'Film' , 'title' : re_prefix })
query = query . sort ([( 'details.issue_date' , - 1 )])
In this query, since we've matched the prefix of the title, MongoDB can seek directly to the
titles we're interested in.
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