Environmental Engineering Reference
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A review of different correlations useful for suspensions, including nano
and magnetic
uids, can be found in Nkurikiyimfura et al. [ 103 ], Kaviany [ 106 ],
Kandula [ 107 ], Kleinstreuer and Feng [ 108 ], Wang and Mujumdar [ 109 ] and Singh
[ 110 ].
Besides the particle shapes and packing formations, researchers also evaluated
the in
uence on the effective conductivity of other physical properties and
parameters. This is especially so when considering nano
uids. For instance, Das
et al. [ 111 ] investigated the in
uids. They
observed a strong increase in the effective thermal conductivity with the increased
temperature, which could be a consequence of the kinetics of molecules and solid
nanoparticles. This was also con
uence of temperature in the case of nano
rmed by Abareshi et al. [ 112 ].
However, as denoted by Kleinstreuer and Feng [ 108 ], a large number of
researchers did not
nd the strong dependence of the effective thermal conductivity
on the temperature. Therefore, the dependence of the effective thermal conductivity
on temperature stays an open
eld for future research efforts. Kleinstreuer and Feng
[ 108 ] also reviewed the measuring techniques for effective thermal conductivity in
Some researchers have also investigated the in
uence on the effective thermal
conductivity by pH value, the type of the base
uid, the nanoparticle shape, the
degree of nanoparticle dispersion/interaction, and various additives (see, e.g., Wang
and Choi [ 113 ], Li and Peterson [ 114 ], Zhu et al. [ 115 ], Jang and Choi [ 116 ],
Timoefeva et al. [ 117 , 118 ], Murshed et al. [ 119 ]).
Based on the existing research, we can conclude that the thermal conductivity of
uids (nano
uids or magnetorheological
uids) will depend not only on
the basic parameters, de
ned in Eq. ( 5.62 ), but will also take into account the
following dependencies:
Effect of Brownian-motion (ferro
uids only) (see also Lee et al. [ 120 ], Wang
et al. [ 113 ], Keblinski et al. [ 121 ], Jang and Choi [ 122 ], Kleinstreuer and Li
[ 123 ], Prasher [ 124 ], Li [ 125 ], Kumar et al. [ 126 ], Koo and Kleinstreuer [ 127 ],
Bao [ 128 ], and Feng and Kleinstreuer [ 129 ]),
Effect of magnetic
eld as well as the related anisotropy of the effective thermal
conductivity (see, e.g. Blums [ 130 ], Xuan and Wang [ 131 ], Kirchler and
Odenbach [ 132 ], Philip et al. [ 133 , 134 ], Wright et al. [ 135 ], Wensel et al. [ 136 ],
Shima et al. [ 137 ], Gavili et al. [ 138 ], Nkurikiyimfura et al. [ 139 ] (note stronger
effects can be expected in magnetorheological
Effect of surfactants,
Effect of particle size and shape including potential agglomeration or clus-
tering effects (see, e.g. Odenbach [ 18 ], Keblinski et al. [ 140 ], Keblinski [ 141 ],
Eapen et al. [ 142 ], Prasher et al. [ 143 ], Tillman and Hill [ 144 ], Wang et al.
[ 145 ], Tillman and Hill [ 146 ], Wang and Fan [ 147 ], Bishop et al. [ 148 ],
Mendelev and Ivanov [ 149 ]),
Effect of temperature, which can also affect the magnetic properties of mag-
uids in the presence of a magnetic
eld (not to be misunderstood as the
magnetic convection effect).
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