Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Virginia is encoded as a pale yellow because it has the lowest median age of
the visible states at 37.1 years.
When you switch back to “Relative to Full Dataset”, Virginia suddenly
appears older, because the comparison is now relative to all states, which
includes Utah.
Again, each encoding has its benefits. As you analyze the presentation be
aware of your color encoding selections. Toggle between the options to get a
feel for both.
Select the “Zoom Out” button to move back to the previous zoom level.
The “Show Cities” and “Show Highways” check boxes are there for
orientation purposes when zoomed in. They do not themselves contain any
encoded information.
Exercise 2.6
Use the USPopDensities.csv dataset to evaluate population distribution by race
in the United States. This dataset contains both estimated populations and
population densities by state that are broken down by race, ethnic background,
and age for 2009.
a. For the 48 contiguous states, which states have the greatest Asian, Black,
Latino, NativeAm(erican) and Polynesian populations?
b. For the 48 contiguous states, compare the population counts with the
population densities for the Asian, Black, Latino, NativeAm and Polynesian
segments. Do this by loading two boundary maps of the same USPopDen-
sities dataset. Use one to show the population for the selected segment. Use
the second to show the population density. Discuss your findings.
c. Expand your analysis to include all 50 states. What has changed?
The boundary data viewer with temporal data
Open the dataset StatePopulationY.csv.
View the summary statistics. As you can see, the dataset contains state
populations by year from 1900 through 2009.
Close the summary statistics window.
Drag the dataset to a display.
Select “Boundary Data Viewer”.
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