Database Reference
In-Depth Information
HBase Administration
So far, in the previous chapters, we learned the HBase internals, their usage, and
the various available clients of HBase. In this chapter, we will explore the HBase
administration concepts, covering the following topics:
• Cluster management
• Cluster monitoring
• Performance tuning
Looking in depth at each of the preceding topics, this chapter
discusses most of the administration concepts theoretically and
does not provide the detailed hands-on examples.
Towards the end, HBase cluster troubleshooting is also covered in brief. Let's start
with cluster management irst.
Cluster management
HBase is a Hadoop-based, highly available, distributed NoSQL database. In a
production environment, an HBase cluster is quite responsive to node failures
but there are many administration jobs that are performed by the cluster
administrator. This job list includes important tasks such as starting or stopping
the cluster, upgrading the OS on the nodes, replacing bad hardware, and backing
up data. Also, these jobs need to be done properly to keep the cluster running
smoothly. Under this section, we will be covering the details of these cluster
management tasks.
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