Travel Reference
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The manner in which all these colossal stones were transported to the place is veiled in
mystery, for they had obviously been brought from the distant northern shores of Lake Titic-
aca,whereancient quarrieshavebeendiscovered thatgivethekindofrockwhichwasusedin
the building of Tiahuanaco. Personally I believe that they were transported across the lake in
huge rafts and that the water level was higher in those days, and that consequently the shores
were somewhere near the place where the ruins are located. Later, when I rode over the plain
in the direction of the lake, I saw a few hewn rocks, identical to those of the ruins, and I came
to the conclusion that they must have fallen off the rafts, and as no means of salvaging them
were known in those days, these blocks had to be left and were replaced by others. No matter
what theory experts or mere guessers like myself might bring forward, the transportation of
these hewn giants is likely to remain among the unknown and unexplained engineering mar-
vels of the primitive world.
About two miles from the ruins stands the village Tiahuanaco, where I stayed in a small
and dirty hotel. Unfortunately the Spanish invaders did not appreciate the priceless value of
the old temples and wilfully destroyed them, and even until recent years stones were carried
away to pave streets, and carved blocks were used to make entrances for houses, etc. The
at its entrance, where they stand with their owl-like eyes, as indignant witnesses of ignorance
and destruction. In the back yard of the 'hotel' I saw several beautifully carved troughs that
had once belonged to the temple. These were being used to feed pigs, and to do the washing
in, when this rare ceremony is performed.
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