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We show an example of this analysis in the attached graph, where 67 students
assessed their satisfaction with the simulator using a score ranging between 1 and
7 on a Licket scale.
USALSIM was born as a local project of the University of Salamanca, hence the
need to develop a cost-controlled proprietary software platform. This is where the
use of free software has played an important role. Other virtual world platforms
could have been adopted, such as Second Life , with stable versions and advanced
technical support. On the other hand was the issue of maintenance costs, as each
island created must be purchased and maintained through fee payments during the
year (Premium service). Moreover, according to the terms and conditions of the
software agreement, any 3D construction in the platform belongs to the owners of
Second Life . To all of this was the added issue that real and sensitive user data
would not be under the control of the University, but in the hands of a third party.
For these reasons, the University decided to go with an open code such as Open-
Sim , which allows user data (and complete data bases) to be stored in the local
servers of the University. Additionally, there are no added costs related to the con-
struction of each virtual 3D space, no Premium Services, and the access code is
free and universal, allowing for its modification or adaptation to the specific needs
of the University.
After the development of the virtual space, a number of tests were performed
with real users. There were 150 participants, students from different branches of
knowledge, as well as professors, counselors, personnel associated with participat-
ing entities and companies, and other University personnel. In this test phase,
users performed their assigned trainings and provided their opinion regarding the
system through the use of questionnaires. The questions asked them to rate differ-
ent aspects such as ease of installing the software needed to connect to the 3D vir-
tual environment (connection client), ease of configuration, ease of moving about
the virtual environment, ease of performing the training, in addition to suggestions
for improvements. The evaluations from the student users were very positive, with
the vast majority approving the use of the simulator and considering the use of this
type of technology both a convenient and advantageous way of complementing
their studies. In addition to the students, a similar evaluation of this tool was given
to educators and personnel from the different participating companies. Their opi-
nions have also been of great help in improving the system, and their assessment
very satisfactory.
USALSIM is a project with a clear goal of improving and continuing the use of
this tool. New objectives and expansions have been defined for the next few
months, at both the technical and content level, as well as the inclusion of other
possible branches of knowledge, the integration of more institutions and business
entities to provide work placements, etc., giving this platform a strong projection
toward the future.
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