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1 - The practice has increased the understanding of the students about aircraft
performance, as it included flight situations with slip flight and engine failure.
3 - It is clear that the practice has improved students' knowledge about aircraft
flight envelope with deployed flaps. The effect of this action could be easily ap-
preciated during the stall practice, when the flaps are deployed by the students.
4 - The question is related with causes and consequences of coordinated turns,
which are recorded in the topics of the course. The obtained results are favorable.
6 - This is a typical example of improvement. The conducted practices allow
the student to get better knowledge about the causes and consequences between
the commands and the plane response.
7 - The student can check the instruments in real time with the commands,
which allows him to support his theoretical knowledge. This is a good example of
improvement due to flight simulation practices.
8 - The rate of improvement of students having flown the simulator is much
higher that the observed in the control group, as the answer can be easily derived
from the practical experience and the piloting feeling.
Table 2 Questions with reduced improvement rates
Nº 2
Which is the mean aircraft response
when the pilot pushes right pedal?
a) Yaw towards right
b) Yaw towards left
c) Roll towards right
d) Roll towards left
Correct answer: a)
Nº 9
In horizontal and symmetrical turn
compared with rectilinear and uni-
form flight at same speed:
a) The load factor is lower
b) The thrust is higher
c) The angle of attack is lower
d) The stall is less probable
Correct answer: b)
2 - Most of the students knew the correct answer before the practice and only a
small proportion of them improved their marks. The result is surprising as some of
the practical exercises specifically required pushing the pedals.
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