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Use of Flight Simulators in a Flight Mechanics
Course: Potentials and Weaknesses &
Diego Domínguez, Deibi López, and Jesús Gonzalo
Abstract. This paper is focused on the process of acquiring and developing
knowledge in flight mechanics by means of the use of flight simulators. The
analysis of student improvements shows reinforcement in their previous knowl-
edge and quick acquisition of new concepts; however, there is place to much more
enhancements taking advantage of these high stimulating exercises and trying to
avoid student distractions during the process.
Keywords: flight simulation, interactive learning, flight mechanics.
1 Introduction
New teaching methods, and especially the ones related to learning technologies,
are demanded in European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In recent years, it has
been pointed that modelling environments can supply effective pedagogical
strategies dealing with complex real-world systems [1]. Edgar Dale's Cone of
Experience [2] points out that direct experience represents the greater depth of
learning; from this perspective, the participation of students in virtual environ-
ments, where they have to implement their learning, implies a reinforcement of the
teaching-learning experience. Flight simulators, good examples of what is known
as “serious games”, can promote the understanding, integration and application of
concepts and improve performance, as other alternative to traditional lectures.
Although flight simulation sessions are at the top level of airline pilot training,
it is almost an emerging field at university in engineering courses, with few
written references [3, 4]. In this context, the use of flight simulators should be
considered an interesting way of acquiring competences on flight mechanics as it
involves the understanding of important facts about physics of flight and aircraft
performance. Moreover, a successful flight also requires a kind of sensitivity in
order to understand and anticipate the impact of the control inputs on aircraft
situations [4]. Because of these reasons, the use of flight simulators, safe and
moderately affordable, has been considered in this work to enhance the learning
process on the subject.
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