Information Technology Reference
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Se calculated mean, standard deviation and correlation among the following va-
riables (each one was represented by almost 10 items): Learning strategies and
organisational abilities , i. e. (SO) Organisation strategies; (SA) Self-assessment
strategies; (SE) Elaboration strategies; (SM) Metacognitive sensitivity; (SPP)
Strategies to prepare for a test; Motivational variables , i. e. (OOA) Learning goal
orientation; (OOP) Approach dimension of performance goal orientation; (OOE)
Avoidance dimension of performance goal orientation; (A) Self-efficacy; Learn-
ing outcomes , i. e. (V) assessment; (S) satisfaction.
As shown in Fig. 1, all variables have positive correlations.
** The correlation is significant at level 0.01 (2-code)
* The correlation is significant at level 0.05 (2-code)
Fig. 1 User questionnaires: correlation between metacognition, motivational variables and
learning outcomes
For the third part of the questionnaire, following a recent study approach [131
in order to identify the different ICT uses and to reduce the number of variables,
we performed a factor analysis of principal components with Varimax rotation on
the use of ICTs. This allowed us to establish four factors: factor 1 is related to
communication among students ( fora and chats), surfing the Internet and the on-
line consultation of newspapers and magazines ( Social Use ); factor 2 comprises
four elements related to the use of professional tools such as databases, web page
design, etc. ( Technical Use ); factor 3 is composed of indicators related to office
software use such word processing software, spreadsheet software, presentation
software, etc. ( Academic Use ); factor 4 comprises e-learning Software Platforms
and e-mail ( Educational Platform Use ).
4.2 Analysis of Digital Tasks
The issues connected to the project works performed during the course were
discussed in classroom and received qualitative feedback. We assessed students'
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