Agriculture Reference
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13 80
Dim 19R2
Numbered points = Categories with most inertia change: 16 (Beans yield = H), 80
(Hospitalizations = H), 84 (Hospital visits = L), 95 (Kale yield = H), 122 (Per capita
income = E), 130 (Potatoes yield = H), 133 (Production score = H) and 136 (Profit-
ability = E)
fIGuRe 7.4 Change in inertia of categories along multiple correspondence analysis (MCA)
dimension 19 between January 1999 (DIM19R1) and the January 2000 (DIM19R2) measure-
ments of researcher-proposed land-use unit (LUU)-level indicators.
the number of LUUs with high income/inputs for livestock. Changes in pest, disease,
and health dynamics were marked by a significant increase in the number of hospital
visits/person/month ( p < .001) and the number of hospitalizations per person per
year ( p < .001). Significantly more LUUs reported an increase in the proportion of
indicator traditional foods eaten ( p < .001).
7.3.3 e v A l u A t i of n of f g of A l s , e x p e C t A t i of n s , A n D A C h i e v e m e n t s
Table 7.2 shows progress toward community goals in the six ISSs as of January 1999
and January 2000. All villages had improved contact with extension staff, which was
attributed to the improvement of many of the agriculture-related goals, such as crop
productivity and reduction in crop pests and diseases. Similarly, there was reported
to be an improvement in security, with reduction in crime rates in nearly all villages
where this was considered a problem. In Mahindi and Kiawamagira, there were initial
attempts by the communities to improve the access roads that resulted in only slight
improvements. In Githima, addition of classrooms in the existing school was reported
to result in only slight improvements in literacy and school attendance. An initial
attempt to obtain water from a pipeline passing near the village had only slight-to-
moderate success as only a small section of the village was receiving water by January
1999. By January 2000, the situation had improved markedly. In addition, the access
roads in Githima were graded, and this was reported as moderate improvement.
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