Agriculture Reference
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5 122 81
Dim 15R2
Numbered points = Categories with most change in inertia: 39 (Inputs/income for live-
stock = H), 40 (Inputs/income for livestock = L), 58 (Prop traditional foods = H),
81 (Hospitalizations = L), 83 (Hospital visits = H), 101 (Maize yield = H), 122 (Per
capita income = E), 130 (Potatoes yield = H), 134 (Productivity score), 170 (Average
wage = H), and 171 (Wage = L)
fIGuRe 7.3 Change in inertia of land-use unit (LUU)-level indicator categories along mul-
tiple correspondence analysis (MCA) dimension 15 between January 1999 (DIM15R1) and
January 2000 (DIM15R2).
supplementary points. Among categories with a shift toward the center of gravity were
1 (inputs/income for livestock = H), 2 (inputs/income for livestock = L), 3 (propor-
tion traditional foods = H), 4 (hospitalizations = L), 6 (maize yield = H), 8 (potatoes
yield = H), 9 (productivity score), 12 (beans yield = H), 13 (hospitalizations = H), 95
(kale yield = H), 133 (production score = H), and 136 (profitability = E). Among those
with a shift away from the center were 5 (hospital visits = H), 7 (per capita income =
E), and 11 (wage = L). Category 10 (average wage = H) had a sign inversion.
The distribution of categories along dimensions 3 and 23 is shown in Figure 7.8.
Among the categories that moved toward the center were 3 (hospitalizations = L), 4
(kale yield = L), 5 (maize yield = L), 8 (cost/inputs of food crops = E), 9 (cost/inputs
of food crops = L), 12 (income/acre of food crops = L), 13 (per capita income = E),
and 14 (profitability = E). Category 6 (potatoes yield = H) moved away from the cen-
ter while categories 1 (beans yield = H) and 2 (beans yield = L) had sign inversion.
Table 7.1 is a summary of the test of significance of the trends in proportions of
LUUs having characteristics identified through MCA as showing important temporal
trends based on the two indicator measurements. Trends in income/inputs for food
crops, income/acre of food crops, profitability, average wage, and per capita farm
income were related to improvements in the response rate. Changes in the technical
biophysical efficiency were a significant ( p < .001 for each) decrease in the number
of LUUs classified as having high yields of indicator crops (beans, maize, kales, and
potatoes). In terms of economic farm efficiency, there was a significant increase in
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