Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
table 6.9
dimensions accounting for 70% of the Variation among 226 land-use units
based on multiple correspondence analysis of Researcher-Proposed
Indicators of agroecosystem Health and sustainability, Kiambu, Kenya, 1999
Inertia a (% b )
Indicator c ( r 2 ) d
categories (coordinates e )
0.026 (57.62)
Maize yield per acre
E (−0.41)
H (0.05)
L (0.58)
N (0.02)
0.026 (59.02)
Distance to water
source (0.13)
C (0.11)
F (−1.20)
0.024 (60.32)
Frequency of visits to
friends (0.24)
H (0.50)
L (0.31)
N (−0.67)
0.023 (61.56)
Monthly expenditure
on water (0.14)
E (−0.33)
H (−0.64)
L (0.73)
N (0.10)
0.023 (62.79)
Milk yield/cow/day
H (−0.51)
L (0.45)
N (−0.02)
0.022 (63.98)
Heads of cattle (0.10)
H (0.44)
L (−0.30)
N (0.15)
0.022 (65.15)
Proportion of adults
with postprimary
education (0.11)
H (−0.17)
L (0.53)
N (−0.23)
0.021 (66.28)
Recorded vaccination
events/child (0.11)
E (0.04)
H (−1.03)
L (0.34)
0.021 (67.39)
Expenditure on
agrochemicals (0.13)
E (−0.79)
H (−0.01)
L (0.08)
N (1.13)
0.020 (68.47)
Monthly expenditure
on water (0.10)
E (−0.24)
H (0.02)
L (−0.71)
N (0.24)
0.020 (69.53)
Sick days/person/
month (0.16)
H (0.39)
L (−0.63)
N (0.15)
0.020 (70.58)
Prop income that is
nonfarm (0.08)
E (−0.29)
H (0.39)
L (−0.25)
N (0.24)
A, absent; C, close; Dim, dimension; E, missing; F, far; H, high; L, low; N, none; P, present
a Principal inertias (also the average squared correlations; Greenacre, 1993)
b Cumulative percentage of total inertia accounted for by the dimensions based on adjusted principal
inertias (Greenacre, 1993)
c The indicator most highly correlated with the scores derived from optimal scale values
d Correlation coefficient
e Also the optimal scale values for the categories
reliable and useful assessments were obtained when communities visited each other
and made comparative assessments.
The main difficulty with the researcher-based suite was that the initial list—
especially the LUU level—consisted of long lists of indicators, resulting in even lon-
ger questionnaires that were difficult to administer. The refined LUU level consisted
of 34 indicators, which is still too long a list for follow-up empirical measurements
given that most indicators were designed to be measured using questionnaires and
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