Agriculture Reference
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A system, owned by Kiawamagira community, together with the MoPW
and KR to rehabilitate the drainage system in and around Kiawamagira
village in order to reduce flooding, gully formation, and access road
damage, using resources from the MoPW, KR, and Kiawamagira
C: Kiawamagira community
Runoff directed
into village
Runoff directed
away from village
It is the runoff from the roads and railway that
overloads the drainage system of the village
O: Kiawamagira community, MoPW, KR
E: Goodwill from MoPW and KR, Resources from MoPW and KR,
community organization, and unity
Monitor to decide if:
-runoff to village is reduced
-there are blockages
-there are breakdowns
-access road usable
Village committee
Obtain expertise
to design drainage
system in village
Redesign drainage
around roads and
Take action
Harmonize designs
Repair access road
C: Clients; A: Actors; T: Transformations; W: World-view; O: Owners; E: Environment
fIGuRe 5.2 A root definition and an activity system based on the perspective of farmers to
ameliorate flooding and damage to the access road in the Kiawamagira intensive study site.
KR, Kenya Railways; MoPW, Ministry of Public Works. See CD for color image.
Figure 5.5 depicts the differing perspectives of various stakeholders on the Gitangu
water project. The three main perspectives with regard to the course of action were
(1) do nothing, (2) rehabilitate the project, and (3) start a new project (to sink a
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