Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
PRocess and metHods
5.2.1 e x A m i n A t i of n of f t h e p r o b l e m s if t u A t if o n s
Problems and concerns in the agroecosystem were identified and described during
participatory workshops in each of the six study sites. The participatory process
is described in Chapter 3; the process of selecting the study sites is described in
Chapter 2. Problem, concerns, and issues were termed messy situations if there were
disagreements on the nature of the problem, its causes, historical background, or
potential solutions.
Semistructured interviews were held with groups and individuals in the com-
munity having a different perspective on the issue. Table 5.1 shows a checklist of the
topics covered in the interviews. Any institution, group, or individual mentioned by
interviewees (in relation to the problem situation) were also included in the list of
those to be interviewed. The perspectives of each group were captured in rich pic-
tures with different color lines showing agreement or disagreement among various
groups or individuals.
5.2.2 r o o t D e f i n i t i of n s A n D s of f t s y s t e m m o D e l i n g
For each problem situation, primary task and issue-based human activity systems
were identified based on the coping strategies and the opportunities mentioned by
the individuals or groups interviewed. Root definitions of these systems were then
derived and models built to satisfy the basic properties of a system as described by
Checkland and Scholes (1990). A root definition was derived for each stakeholder
with a different perspective on the problem situation. Different metaphors, based on
the roles, norms, and values ascribed to various stakeholders, were used to represent
each different perspective on the issue. For each model representing a purposeful
table 5.1
list of topics covered in semistructured Interviews on a Problem situation
1. Beginning
How the problem arose
Who is/are the most knowledgeable person(s) on the issue
What are some of the consequences that have been observed
Nature of
2. Mid
How can the problem be addressed
What resources are needed
What are the coping strategies
3. End
Who are/should be the actors in solving the problem
Who are/should be the beneficiaries
Who are/should be the owners of the process
What is the relationship between owners, actors, and beneficiaries
Who is to blame or are involved in causing the issue
What has been the role of (named) stakeholder in the situation
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