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positive if all positive-effect arcs leading to it had a positive impact and negative if
otherwise. The sign of a source vertex was the sum of the impacts of all arcs leading
from it. In contrast to a path, a cycle was defined as a sequence of vertices ( v 1 , v 2 ,
…, v t ) such that for all i = {1, 2, …, t } there is an arc ( v i , v ( i +1) ), and where v 1 = v t ,
while all other vertices are distinct. The sign, length, and impact of a cycle were as
defined for paths. The diagonal elements ( a ii ) of the matrix A t gave the number of
cycles and closed walks from a given vertex ( v i ). The off-diagonal elements gave the
number of walks and paths from one vertex ( v i ) to another ( v j ). A walk was similar to
a path with the exception that the vertices forming the sequence were not distinct.
The total effect ( TE ) of a vertex ( v i ) on another vertex ( v j ) is the sum of the effects
of all the paths from v i to v j . If all such effects are positive, then the total effect is
positive (+); if all are negative, the total effect is negative (−); if two or more paths
of the same length have opposite effects, the sum is indeterminate (#), and if all the
paths with opposite effects are of different lengths, the sum is ambivalent (±). A
digraph with at least one indeterminate or ambivalent total effect is said to be path
imbalanced. One that has no indeterminate or ambivalent total effect is path bal-
anced. The signed adjacency matrix (also called the incidence matrix, direct effects
matrix, or valency matrix) is used to compute the total effect. The impact of vertex v i
on another vertex v j is calculated as the total effect of v i on v j multiplied by the sign
of vertex v j .
The reachability matrix R is a square n × n matrix with elements r ij that are 1 if
v j is reachable from v i and 0 if otherwise. By definition, each element is reachable
from itself, such that r ii = 1 for all i . The reachability matrix can be computed from
the adjacency matrix using the formula R = B [( I + A ) n −1 ]. B is a Boolean function
where B ( x ) = 0 if x = 0, and B ( x ) = 1 if x > 0. I is the identity matrix. The digraph
D = ( V , A ) is said to be strongly connected (i.e., for every pair of vertices v i and v j , v i
is reachable from v j and v j is reachable from v i ) if and only if R = J , the matrix of all
1's. D is unilaterally connected (i.e., for every pair of vertices v i and v j , v i is reachable
from v j or v j is reachable from v i ) if and only if B [ R + R ′] = J . The strong component
(i.e., a subdigraph of D where all the vertices are maximally connected) to which a
vertex ( v i ) is a member is given by the entries of 1 in the i ith row (or column) of the
elementwise product of R and R ′. The number of elements in each strong component
is given by the main diagonal elements of R 2 .
p u l s e p r o C e s s m o D e l s
A weighted digraph is one in which each arc ( v i , v j ) is associated with a weight ( a ij ).
The signed adjacency matrix (in this case referred to as a weighted adjacency matrix)
of a weighted digraph therefore consists of the signed weights ( a ij ) of all the arcs
( v i , v j ) in the digraphs and is 0 if the arc does not exist. Under the pulse process, an
arc ( v i , v j ) was interpreted as implying that when the value of v i is increased by one
unit at a discrete step t in time or space, v j would increase (or decrease depending
on the sign of a ii ) by a ij units at step t + 1. Initially, the arcs in each digraph were
considered to be equal in weight and length. The models therefore assumed that a
pulse in vertex v i at time t was related in a linear fashion to the pulse in v j at time
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