Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
A hundred top scientists set acreage goals for baywide habitat
mix necessary to sustain endangered and important species
(“Habitat Goals”).
CALFED (Record of Decision) calls for restoration of 7,000-
9,000 acres of tidal marsh in Suisun Marsh, and in 2001 agencies
sign Suisun Marsh Charter to develop a balanced regional plan.
Salmon migrate more freely up Butte Creek after four dams re-
moved and 11 fish ladders added.
Voters endorse large-scale bay restoration with Propositions 12,
13, 40, and 84.
Coastal Conservancy recognizes tidal restorations becoming in-
vaded with non-native spartina and launches eradication pro-
First experiment with subtidal restoration of eelgrass beds in
Long-term management plan for bay dredging completed.
Populations of key pelagic organisms in delta, including native
Delta and Longfin Smelt, and introduced shad and Striped Bass,
dramatically decline.
Region undertakes second large, landscape-scale, purchase, and
restoration of 15,100 acres of salt ponds, most in the South Bay.
Design guidelines published by Coastal Conservancy incorpo-
rate restoration lessons and layout a rigorous planning and de-
sign process.
Green Sturgeon's Sacramento River/San Francisco Bay estuary
population listed as threatened.
Ve s s e l Cosco Busan crashes into Bay Bridge and spills 53,000 gal-
lons of bunker oil.
Salmon fishery closed due to low populations.
Delta Vision Strategic Plan establishes as coequal goals to restore
the delta ecosystem and create a more reliable water supply for
Bay Delta Conservation Plan developed in which water contrac-
tors seek to obtain 50-year permits for water exports, and region
adopts a Natural Communities Conservation Plan and Habitat
Conservation Plans.
Federal government issues biological opinions on Delta Smelt
and salmonids with wide-reaching implications for ecosystem
restoration and water management.
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