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1. Watch all the footage that we have for Scene 3, and you'll notice that we have four clips available that
cover the entire scene from different angles. Any of these clips can be used as a possible master, but Scene 3
Slate 8 Take 1 provides the best perspective for establishing the interior of the house, so it would be useful
to start off with this shot first. There is one continuity difference between Scene 3 Slate 8 Take 1 and the
rest of the takes: Joyce doesn't walk over to the stairs and lean on the handrail at the end of the scene. This
doesn't matter because, by that point, we'll most likely be in closer coverage and won't be including the end
of this clip anyway.
Set the Event Browser's Filter pop-up menu to All Clips. Before adding Scene 3 Slate 8 Take 1 to the
Timeline, let's trim the front of the clip so that it starts just as the front door opens. In the Event Browser,
position the playhead at 18 frames into the clip and press I to mark an In point. Press E to append Scene 3
Slate 8 Take 1 to the end of the Primary Storyline.
2. Now that we've established the new setting for the audience, we need to put our focus back on Katie to
keep the viewer's connection with the main character. The viewer should now be curious about Katie's im-
pression of her new home, so the natural choice for the next shot would be a closer angle on Katie. Scene 3
Slate 9 Take 2 would be the next suitable choice, but before adding this clip to the Timeline, let's find the
right point to cut to it in the sequence. A good place to cut to a tighter shot of Katie would be just as she is
about to enter the house. Position the playhead at 45 seconds in the Timeline and press D to overwrite Scene
3 Slate 9 Take 2 to the Primary Storyline. A section from Scene 3 Slate 8 Take 1 remains at the end of the
sequence. Select this and press Delete to remove it (see Figure 9.20). Play back this section.
Figure 9.20 Select the last clip in the Timeline to delete it.
3. We need to trim the front section of Scene 3 Slate 9 Take 2 to remove Joyce's entrance because this is
already covered in the previous clip. Select the In point for Scene 3 Slate 9 Take 2 in the Primary Storyline
and perform a Ripple edit by dragging to the right by 7 seconds 4 frames (see Figure 9.21). Scene 3 Slate 9
Take 2 should now start at 45 seconds in the Timeline. Press Shift+/ (forward slash) to play back the edit.
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