Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6.12 Selecting picks from an audition.
A pick's media can be previewed in the Viewer by skimming over its thumbnail in the Audition window. A clip
can be removed from an audition by selecting it in the window and pressing Delete. After you've selected the
pick that you want to use, click Done and the pick appears in the edited sequence. If the chosen pick is a differ-
ent duration than the one it's replacing, the Magnetic Timeline adapts to accommodate the new length.
To preview the different picks in the Timeline, click the audition and then choose Clip Audition Preview or
press Control+ +Y.
After Preview is initiated, the Audition window opens and the playhead backs up two seconds and then plays
the selected pick in the Viewer. Pressing the keyboard's left or right arrows during playback jumps the playhead
back to the starting position and plays the next or previous pick inside the audition. This is an extremely fast
way to compare different picks and see how they work in the context of an edited sequence. You can use this
method to compare how a clip looks with different effects or filters applied by creating duplicate versions of the
same clip inside an audition and applying a different effect to each one.
To duplicate a clip as an audition in the Timeline, select the clip and choose Clip Audition Duplicate as Audi-
tion or press Option+Y. This creates an audition within the selected clip, containing two identical picks inside.
To add further duplications, open the audition, select the clip in the window, and click Duplicate. If an effect has
been applied to a clip in the Timeline, the clip can still be duplicated inside an audition in its original state
without the effect applied.
To duplicate the original clip as an audition in the Timeline, select the clip and choose Clip Audition Duplica-
tion from Original or press Shift+ +Y.
You also can create auditions in the Event Browser before editing them down in the Timeline (see Figure 6.13).
To create an audition in the Event Browser, select the clips that you want to add to the audition by Shift- or -
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