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public DragProjectile(double x0, double y0, double z0,
double vx0, double vy0, double vz0, double time,
double mass, double area, double density, double Cd,
double windVx, double windVy) {
// Call the DragProjectile class constructor.
super(x0, y0, z0, vx0, vy0, vz0, time, mass, area, density, Cd);
// Initialize variables declared in the DragProjectile class.
this.windVx = windVx;
this.windVy = windVy;
Two get methods are declared that return the values of the windVx and windVy fields.
// These methods return the value of the fields
// declared in this class.
public double getWindVx() {
return windVx;
public double getWindVy() {
return windVy;
Just as it did for the DragProjectile class, the updateLocationAndVelocity method of the
WindProjectile class solves the equations of motion by invoking the Runge-Kutta ODE solver.
// This method updates the velocity and location
// of the projectile using a 4th order Runge-Kutta
// solver to integrate the equations of motion.
public void updateLocationAndVelocity(double dt) {
ODESolver.rungeKutta4(this, dt);
The getRightHandSide method in the WindProjectile class is exactly the same as the
getRightHandSide method in the DragProjectile class with two exceptions. When the interme-
diate values of the x-, y-, and z-velocity components are obtained, they are converted into
apparent velocities by subtracting the wind velocity components. The apparent velocities are
then used to compute the drag force terms. The other difference is because the mass , density ,
area , and Cd fields were given private access in the DragProjectile class, we must use the getMass ,
getDensity , getArea , and getCd methods to access their values in the WindProjectile class.
// The getRightHandSide() method returns the right-hand
// sides of the six first-order projectile ODEs.
// q[0] = vx = dxdt
// q[1] = x
// q[2] = vy = dydt
// q[3] = y
// q[4] = vz = dzdt
// q[5] = z
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