Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Since the completion of this project, I use SketchUp regularly for teaching
the ideas and concepts of 3D modeling to students. At work, we successfully
combine petroleum infrastructure models with geological models to visualize
production options and risks. The recent addition of subsea Google Earth has
added a whole new dimension of underwater construction visualization. I am
researching the SketchyPhysics plug-in for geoscience problems, including
subsea facilities construction; plume modeling; slope stability, for example,
the slope stability of blocks after 30 seconds at 20-, 30-, and 40-degree slope
angles; sedimentary fill; seismic movement; or deformation under gravity.
FiG 15.23
ESRI ArcGIS 9.3 ArcView is a desktop GIS software that provides
geographic data visualization, mapping, management, and analysis
capabilities along with the ability to create and edit data. Price is about
US$1500. Purchase from
ESRI ArcGIS 3D Analyst, ArcGIS Extension: Three-dimensional
visualization and analysis. Price is about US$2500. Purchase from
ET GeoWizards extension for ArcGIS by Ian Tchoukanski, ET Spatial
Techniques. Price is US$195. Purchase from
ESRI ArcScripts, over 5000 free scripts for ArcGIS. Download from
SketchUp's Plug-ins
ArcGIS (Beta) Import/Export of ArcGIS data to/from SketchUp and
use SketchUp models as 3D Marker Symbols. Download free from
3D_Grid.rb Creates a 3D grid along X,Y,Z axis, by J. Patrick and D. Bur.
Download from
Attributes.rb Attach arbitrary attribute data to entities and then do
queries based on those attributes, by @Last. Download from
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