Graphics Programs Reference
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FiG 12.12 The canopy in position
(after quite a few rotations).
FiG 12.13 The canopy after trimming
it with the Intersection and Eraser
Next, some more detailing was carried out: Mullions were added by using the
Follow Me tool, using the curves between each canopy segment as a path.
This was done using a copy of the canopy glazing, positioned using the Edit >
Paste in Place option and keeping the original hidden. Once the mullions were
constructed, the glass in this copy of the canopy could simply be deleted,
leaving the mullions in their own group that was separate from the original
canopy glazing group. The upper canopy was built using the same technique
as the lower. All the difficulty in constructing this model resides in getting the
relationships between the central glazed canopy and the main girders correct.
After that, in comparison with the other steps, everything is plain sailing.
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