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however, we've verified that the files are online and accessible! Congratulations—
you've uploaded your project to the Web!
Figure 13-20. The game doesn't render properly on the desktop browser, but this test verifies that the files have
been properly uploaded
Versioning Your Software
FTP normally works well for small development projects with one developer, especially
when the project is not very complex. However, for instance, let's say you are working
on a project with a team of developers and every single one of them has access to the
FTP server and uploads and changes things whenever he or she wants. Eventually you
will run into a situation where one user ends up making changes to a file and then a
minute later someone uploads changes they made to the exact same file, completely
overwriting the first person's work that was just uploaded.
This is a very frustrating situation, and in reality stuff like this is actually fairly common
and happens all the time when programmers are not organized. One easy way to
prevent this is by using some form of software versioning, like Subversion, to essentially
back up and version your files for you. This way, let's say Jon makes a few changes to a
file that we are sharing and I accidentally check in a new version on that file that does
not have the code Jon added. Instead of freaking out and panicking, which would have
been our only two options before, we can easily revert the file to an earlier version of
itself and save that code we thought we lost. Heck, using versioning you can even
merge two previous versions of a file together and make one super-file.
There are tons of versioning solutions out there just waiting to be used, but the two most
popular solutions are Apache Subversion ( ) and Git
( ). Su bversion, also known as SVN, has been around for a long time
and is a very mature product with a wide range of support in almost every single hosting
solution I have used in the past. The best part is there is a really nifty Windows
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