Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
K 0
2 K 2
K 3
2 ε ( p, ) .
( p, )=
( p, ) +
( p, ) ε ( p, ) +
Note that when ε ( p, ) k +
< 1, the “min” in (5) is obtained for rightmost term
and W 1 and W 2 have (approximatively) the same size. Else
( p, ) = 1 (which
happens only when w is large) and the optimal choice consists in choosing W 1
smaller than W 2 .
4.1 Lower Bound
Assuming that K 0 = 0 (we neglect the cost for the Gaussian elimination step),
the cost estimate becomes
2 K 2
K 3
2 ε ( p, )
( p, )=
( p, ) ε ( p, ) +
and because the first term is increasing and the second is decreasing with (for
parameters of cryptologic interest), for all p we have
( p, 1 ) / 2
min T
( p, )
( p, 1 )where 1 ( p ), or 1 for short, is the unique integer in [0 ,r [ such that the
two terms in
( p, ) are equal, that is
1 =log 2 K 3
( p, 1 ) =log 2
K 3
2 K 1 K 2
( p, 1 )
ε ( p, 1 )
2 K 2 L
The lower bound is WF ISD ( n,r,w )
min p T
( p, 1 ) / 2 and the various forms of
( p, 1 ) give various interpretations of the complexity
2 K 1 K 2
( p, 1 )= 2 K 1 L
( p, 1 )
2 K 3
2 1 ε ( p, 1 ) =
2 K 2
( p, ) ε ( p, 1 ) =
( p, 1 )
( p, ) ε ( p, 1 )
This bound is very tight if the Gaussian elimination cost is negligible (which is
often the case in practice, see Table 2). Numbers in Table 2 may seem different
from other estimates [5,14]. This difference comes from the fact that we consider
column operations rather than binary operations. In fact they are very close.
4.2 Some Numbers
For Table 3 we will assume that K 0 = nr , K 1 = K 2 =1,and K 3 =2.The
elementary operation being a “column operation”: a column addition or the
computation of a Hamming weight, possibly accompanied by a memory access.
The cost for (isd 1) and (isd 2) can be reduced to 1 by “reusing additions”,
as explained in [5]. The “column” has size r bits ( r − for (isd 3)), however
we need in practice bits for computing the index in (isd 1) and (isd 2),and
for (isd 3) we only need on average 2( w − p ) additional bits [5] for deciding
whetherornotwereachthetargetweight. This sets the “practical column size”
to +2( w − p ) instead of r . We claim that up to a small constant factor, this
measure will give a realistic account for the cost of a software implementation.
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