Cryptography Reference
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5 Countermeasures
5.1 Defense against the Support Attack
The support attack uses the fact that s sP . A simple repair is to multiply s
by a matrix Q in GL m ( q ) using the product
and a matrix P in GL n (GF( q ))
instead of just using the matrix P . The fact that every vector can be turned into
any vector with the same rank implies that a support attack is not possible. The
change affects also c which has to be c = H ( Q xP ) t , w becomes x + Q 1 sP 1
and if ( b = 0) the prover has to send Q and P instead of P .Wenoticethatthe
verification has no problem because we have ( Q x ) P = Q
( xP ). However this
repair does not affect the linear attack.
5.2 Defense against the Linear Attack
The problem of the Chen protocol exploited in the linear attack is that Hx t is
a linear equation which simplifies other linear equations. A simple way to repair
the linear attack is to replace c = Hx t by a non linear equation. We use here
c = hash ( x )where hash is a hash function to be sure that no information can
be obtained from c .
We saw in previous sections that the zero-knowledge proof of the Chen protocol
was incomplete and hence opened the door to potential attacks. We saw that such
attacks could be made possible through the exploitation of a bad masking and the
fact that no hash function was used in the commitment step. We hence propose
a new protocol for which a correct zero-knowledge proof is possible. It implies in
particular the use of a correct masking (see Proposition 3) and a hash function
for commitments. The protocol can be seen as an adaptation of the Stern SD
protocol in a context of rank distance, we prove that our protocol benefits from
the same feature as the Stern SD protocol: a 3-pass zero-knowledge identification
protocol with a 2/3 cheating probability. However in terms of communication
cost it is better than Stern's SD protocol.
6.1 Description of the Protocol
The protocol proposed here is a rank metric adaptation of the Stern protocol
[13] in which the masking of a codeword by a permutation is replaced by the
masking x Q xP which has the same property in terms of rank distance as
a permutation for a codeword with Hamming distance, since it can transform
any given x with given rank to any element with the same rank. This property
(which is not obtained if one only applies a right multiplication by P )iscrucial
for the zero-knowledge proof of the protocol. It also contains a hash function for
the commitment.
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