Cryptography Reference
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At first, we define the parameters that determine the layer structure of Rain-
bow. Let t be the number of layers of Rainbow. Let v 1 ,...,v t +1 be a sequence
of positive t + 1 integers, such that
0 <v 1 <v 2 <
<v t <v t +1 .
For h =1 ,...,t ,thesets V h ,O h of the indices of the Vinegar and Oil variables
of the h -th layer of Rainbow are defined by
V h =
1 , 2 ...,v h }
,O h =
v h +1 ,v h +2 ,...,v h +1
1 ,v h +1 }
The number of elements in O h and V h
are v h +1
v i
and v i , respectively, and
denote o h = v h +1
v h . Note that the smallest integer in O 1 is v 1 + 1. We define
n = v t +1 , which is the maximum number of variables used in Rainbow.
Rainbow consists of t layers of multivariate polynomials of n variables. For
h =1 , 2 ,...,t ,the h -th layer of Rainbow deploys the following system of o h
multivariate polynomials:
α ( k )
β ( k )
g k ( x 1 ,...,x n )=
i,j x i x j +
i,j x i x j
i∈O h ,j∈V h
i,j∈V h ,i≤j
γ ( k )
x i + η ( k )
( k
O h ) ,
i∈V h +1
where α ( k )
i,j ( k )
i,j ( k )
( k )
L .Notethat g k is essentially a polynomial of v h + o h
variables. We call variables x i
V j ) the Oil and Vinegar
variables, respectively. Then the central map of Rainbow is constructed by
( i
O h )and x j
( i
G =( g v 1 +1 ,...,g n ): L n
L n−v 1 .
Note that we can easily compute one of the preimages of G for any element of
L n−v 1 .Forasystemof o h equations for the h -th layer,
g k ( b 1 ,...,b v h ,x v h +1 ,...,x v h +1 )= a k
( k
O h )
L o h and
becomes o h linear equations of o h variables for any ( a v h +1 ,...,a v h +1 )
L v h . The values of the Oil variables in the h -th layer obtained by
solving these linear equations are used for the Vinegar variables in the ( h + 1)-th
Next, we describe the key generation, the signature generation and the veri-
fication of Rainbow.
( b 1 ,...,b v h )
Key Generation. The secret key consists of the central map, G ,andtwoane
transformations A 1 : L m
L m ( m = n
v 1 ) ,A 2 : L n
L n . The public
key consists of L , which is either a field, K ,or
, and the composed map
L m ,whichisasystemof m quadratic polynomials
of n variables over L . In what follows, let us suppose that F is expressed as
F =( f v 1 +1 ,...,f n ) T .
A 2 : L n
F = A 1
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