Cryptography Reference
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δ = δ T
Then these span a subspace
of rank 3 with high probability. One
can compute X
R by satisfying
( C ( i 1 ) T X C ( i )
are symmetric matrices ( i =1 , 2 , 3) ,
which is determined up to scalars. From the above fact, X is found to be pro-
portional to u . It is not dicult to compute u , a part of the secret key, from X .
Coppersmith's second attack. The second Coppersmith's attack is based on
the following algorithm.
Proposition 1 ([2]). Let
be an odd positive integer and f ( x, y ) a bivariate
quadratic polynomial over Z
Z . Δ ( f ) denotes the discriminant of f defined as
in [2]. If gcd( Δ ( f ) ,N )=1 , then there exists an algorithm which gives a solu-
tion to f ( x, y )=0 with probability 1
, and requires O (log( 1 log N )log 4 N )
arithmetic operations on integers of size O (log N ) bits.
If x, y
R are written as
x = x 0 ·
1+ x 1 ·
i + x 2 ·
j + x 3 ·
y = y 0 ·
1+ y 1 ·
i + y 2 ·
j + y 3 ·
then the equation over R ,whichis
x T x + y T hy =4 M
is rewritten by 4 quadratic equations with respect to 8 variables x 0 ,x 1 ,...,y 3 .
By simplifying equation (7) and using the property of quaternion algebra, the
problem of solving the system of quadratic equations can be reduced to that of a
set of bivariate quadratic equations. Therefore, it is possible to forge a signature
Redefinition of HS Scheme
In HS scheme, more general non-commutative rings can be utilized than the
quaternion algebra used in Sato-Araki scheme. In this section, we describe HS
scheme associated to non-commutative rings over a field K or
, the scheme becomes the original HS scheme.
Non-commutative Rings
Let L be either a field K or
. In this paper, we say that an L -algebra R is
a non-commutative ring only if
(1) R is a free module over L with finite rank, and
(2) R is non-commutative.
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