Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
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25. Bernstein, D.J., Buchmann, J., Dahmen, E.: Post Quantum Cryptography (2008)
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28. Cachin, C., Maurer, U.M.: Unconditional Security Against Memory-Bounded Ad-
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29. Ding, Y.Z., Rabin, M.O.: Hyper-Encryption and Everlasting Security. In: Alt, H.,
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34. Canetti, R., Dwork, C., Naor, M., Ostrovsky, R.: Deniable Encryption. In: Kaliski
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35. Klonowski, M., Kubiak, P., Kutylowski, M.: Practical Deniable Encryption. In:
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36. Childs, A., Jao, D., Soukharev, V.: Constructing elliptic curve isogenies in quantum
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