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The weak assumption lg q m 2 (lg n) O(1) implies that each of these operations
in F q m can be carried out using (lg in O(1) bit operations. The weaker assumption
lg q m 2 n O(1) implies that each of these operations in F q m can be carried out
using n O(1) bit operations.
Fast multiplication. Multiplying two d-coecient polynomials in F q m [x]|
i.e., two polynomials of degree below d|costs d(lg d) 1+o(1) . See, e.g., my online
survey paper [ 8 , Section 4] for algorithmic details and credits.
Fast multiplication of many inputs. Computing a product of d linear poly-
nomials costs d(lg d) 2+o(1) . See, e.g., [ 8 , Section 12].
Fast evaluation. Computing Y (x 1 );Y (x 2 );:::;Y (x d ), given x 1 ;:::;x d 2 F q m
and a d-coecient polynomial Y 2 F q m [x], costs d(lg d) 2+o(1) . See, e.g., [ 8 ,
Section 18].
Fast interpolation. For any distinct x 1 ;:::;x d 2 F q m and any y 1 ;:::;y d 2 F q m
there is a unique polynomial Y 2 F q m [x] of degree below d having Y (x 1 ) = y 1 ,
Y (x 2 ) = y 2 , and so on through Y (x d ) = y d . Computing this polynomial Y from
x 1 ;:::;x d ;y 1 ;:::;y d costs d(lg d) 2+o(1) . See, e.g., [ 8 , Section 23].
Fast lattice-basis reduction. If an `` matrix over F q m [x] has nonzero deter-
minant D then there is a nonzero linear combination Q of the matrix columns
such that deg Q (deg D)=`. Here deg Q means the maximum degree of the
entries of Q.
If each of the matrix entries is a d-coecient polynomial then computing such
a Q costs ` d(lg `d) O(1) by [ 30 , Theorem 3.8]. Here is any positive real number
such that `` matrix multiplication costs O(` ). One can trivially take = 3,
but state-of-the-art matrix-multiplication techniques have pushed below 2:5.
There is an error in the proof of [ 30 , Theorem 3.8]: the authors assume, with-
out justification, that they can quickly find x 0 2 F q m such that D(x 0 ) 6= 0.
Unfortunately, it is entirely possible thateveryx 0 2 F q m will have D(x 0 ) = 0;
in such cases, the algorithm stated in [ 30 , Section 3] will fail. The simplest
workaround is to replace F q m by an extension having significantly more than
deg D elements; extension degree (lg `d) O(1) always suces, leaving the cost
bound ` d(lg `d) O(1) unaffected. (Extension degree 2 suces for the matrix
shape used later in this paper, since D visibly splits into linear factors in F q m [x].)
A closer look at the algorithm in [ 30 ] shows that the cost is d(lg d) 2+o(1) if `
and the required extension degree are bounded by (lg d) o(1) . The same complexity
also appeared later in [ 3 ]. As ` increases, the algorithm in [ 3 ] scales as ` 3+o(1)
rather than ` +o(1) .
Fast root-finding. The traditional factorization method for a polynomial in
Q[y], introduced by Zassenhaus in [ 55 ] four decades ago, begins with a factor-
ization of the polynomial modulo a small prime number p, and then uses Newton
iteration (\Hensel's lemma") to lift the factorization to factorizations modulo p 2 ,
p 4 , etc. A few Newton steps produce enough p-adic precision to determine the
factorization in Q[y]; see, e.g., [ 29 , Theorem 15.20]. This procedure relies on a
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