Cryptography Reference
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We propose to compute the polynomial products by means of the several size- p
fast discrete Fourier transform (DFT). This requires that the ring we work over
has an element ω of order p and its characteristic is not p .Onewaytoachieve
this, is to lift our field
F q into a ring R of characteristic 0 that has been extended
with a primitive p -th root of unity. Now, we can perform the operation in R ,
and project the results back.
The DFT itself works like the Walsh-Hadamard transform in [MB09], except
that the matrices describing the transformation and its inverse are H d and H 1
which are recursively defined as
11 1
11 1 ···
1 ω 1
ω 2
ω p 1
ω 1
ω 2
ω ( p 1)
1 ω 2
ω 4
ω 2( p 1)
= 1
ω 2
ω 4
ω 2( p 1)
H 1
H 1 =
1 ω p 1 ω 2( p 1) ··· ω ( p 1)( p 1)
1 ω ( p 1) ω 2( p 1) ··· ω ( p 1)( p 1)
. . .
. . .
H 1
= H 1 ⊗ H 1
k 1
H k = H 1 ⊗ H k 1 ,
is the Kronecker product.
Acknowledgements. We thank Rafael Dahmen for his invaluable advice; Chris-
tiane Peters for her always patient comments, and the anonymous reviewers for
helping in the improvement of this paper.
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