Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Lemma 7. The adversary's views in Game 1 and Game 2 are identical.
Proof. Notice that Game 1 and Game 2 are identical except the decryption op-
erations. These two operations both check that c 1 = F ( s, x )and c 2 = G ( s ,τ,x )
for some x that they compute, and output
if not. Thus, it suces to show that
this x is unique, and both decryption manners find it. In both games, ( s, td )is
generated by S ltf ( λ, injective ), and ( s ,td ) is generated by S abo ( λ, τ ). F ( s,
and G ( s ,τ,
= τ ) are both injective. Thus, there is a unique x such that
( c 1 ,c 2 )=( F ( s, x ) ,G ( s ,τ,x )). In Game 1 x is found by computing F 1 ( td, c 1 ),
while in Game 2 by computing G 1 ( td ,τ,c 2 ).
)for( τ
Lemma 8. The adversary's views in Game 2 and Game 3 are computationally
indistinguishable, assuming the indistinguishability of injective and lossy func-
tions of lossy trapdoor functions.
Proof. Assume the adversary's views in Game 2 and Game 3 are distinguishable,
then, we can construct a PPT adversary
to distinguish lossy and injective func-
tions.Givenanindex s which was generated as ( s, td ) ← S ltf ( λ, injective )or
( s, ⊥ ) ← S ltf ( λ, lossy ),
generates ( s ,td )
S abo ( λ, τ ), and h
ments decryption oracle and generates challenge ciphertexts exactly as in Game 2
and Game 3 .Noticethat
generates the ABO trapdoor td itself, but does not
know the trapdoor t corresponding to s even if it exists. The views generated by
is exactly Game 2 when s is generated by S ltf ( λ, injective ), and is exactly Game 3
when s is generated by S ltf ( λ, lossy ). This concludes the lemma.
Lemma 9. The adversary's views in Game 3 and Game 4 are statistically indis-
)and G ( s ,
lossy functions with image sizes at most 2 n−l and 2 n−l . Therefore, the random
variables ( c 1 ,c 2 )=( F ( s, x ) ,G ( s ,x )) can take at most 2 n−l + n−l
Observe that in Game 3 and Game 4 we have F ( s,
2 n−κ
values by our hypothesis in (1). By Lemma 4, and the independence of x from
s, s ,wehave H ( x
c 1 ,c 2 ,s,s )
s, s )
H ( x
( n
κ )= n
( n
κ )= κ. Since
2lg(1 / ) and Lemma 5, we have Δ ( c 1 ,c 2 ,h,h ( x )) , ( c 1 ,c 2 ,h,r )
negl( λ ) , where r ←{
ρ is uniform and independent of all other variables.
In Game 3 we have c 3 = m b
0 , 1
h ( x ), while in Game 4 we have c 3 = r
ρ ,
0 , 1
r . Thus, the two games are statistically
indistinguishable, and this completes the proof.
which is identically distributed to m b
Discussions and Comparisons
Discussions. Since the scheme proposed in section 4 is a selective-tag CCA se-
cure TBE, It can be used as a component for our general threshold scheme. Re-
mark that the scheme proposed above actually is not full-tag CCA secure. We
can easily break the full-tag CCA security by simply XOR c 3 with a message we
know and query to the decryption oracle. We also point out that our construction
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