Cryptography Reference
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3.2 Proof of Lemma 3
such that Pr [ X i ]
Pr [ X i− 1 ] is non-
Assume existing 1
t p
negligible. We construct an adversary
C i who succeeds in breaking selective-tag
CCA of
as a subroutine.
Just as the “global” setting of the games sequence,
by using
C i first chooses a one-time
signature key pair ( vk ,sk )
Gen ( λ ), then outputs the challenge tag τ = vk .
C i gets a public key pk for
public/secret keys by himself. These public keys, as well as the last t p secret keys,
are given to
,sets pk i = pk , and generates the remaining ( n
C i honestly simulates the running of Game i− 1 /Game i
submits the challenge ( m 0 ,m 1 ). At this point
C i chooses a random bit b ,
computes the shares ( s 1 , ..., s n )
Share ( m b ), and prepares c j
for j
= i just as
C i outputs the challenge ( s i , 0) in its own
CCA experiment. Upon receiving ciphertext
in Gamei. i− 1 and Game i .Furthermore,
c ,itsets c i
c , signs whatever
is needed, and give the challenge ciphertext c to
We specify how
C i deals with oracle queries of
C i can decrypt
all ciphertexts c j for j
= i by himself, since the corresponding decryption keys
are known. As for c i , by Lemma 2
does not reuse the challenge value vk ,this
means that
C i
can always submit c i
to its own decryption oracle using the tag
= vk . Finally
τ = vk
C i outputs 1 iff
correctly predicts b . This completes the
description of
C i , and it is not hard to see that
C i
gives a perfect simulation of
depending on which of s i
either game Game i− 1 or Game i
or 0 was encrypted.
It is easy to know that the advantage of
C i to attack selective-tag CCA of
Pr [ X i− 1 ] . According to the assumption at
the beginning of the proof, we obtain that Adv tbe - stag - cca
( λ )= 2 Pr [ X i ]
is Adv tbe - stag - cca
( λ ) is non-negligible,
this is a contradiction to the security of
Selective-Tag CCA Secure TBE
In this section, we demonstrate a public key encryption which is secure against
selective-tag and adaptive chosen ciphertext attack, from lossy trapdoor function
[23]. Peikert and Waters proved that the scheme is passively chosen ciphertext
secure (CCA1). However, we show that it also give adaptive chosen ciphertext
security under a selective-tag setting. We first review some useful definitions.
Lossy Trapdoor Functions. A collection of ( n, )-lossy trapdoor functions is
a triplet of PPT algorithms ( S ltf ,F,F 1 ) such that:
1. S ltf ( λ, injective ) outputs a pair ( s, td )
0 , 1
0 , 1
n . The algorithm
n ,and F 1 ( td,
F ( s,
) computes an injective function f s (
0 , 1
putes f 1
2. S ltf ( λ, lossy ) outputs s
n . The algorithm F ( s,
0 , 1
) computes a func-
n whose image has size at most 2 n− .
3. The description of functions sampled using S ltf ( λ, injective )and S ltf ( λ,
lossy ) are computationally indistinguishable.
tion f s (
0 , 1
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