Cryptography Reference
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Let N be a divisor of gcd( n, m )and K an algebraic extension of k with
[ K ; k ]= N . The central map G is given by G = ψ
φ ,where φ : k n
K n/N
and ψ : K m/N
k m
: K n/N
K m/N
are one-to-one maps and
is a map
given by polynomials over K .
G : k n
K n/N
K m/N
k m
This type was first introduced by Matsumoto and Imai [34]. In their original
scheme, n = m = N and
( X ):= X q i +1 ,
where i is an integer with gcd( q i +1 ,q n
1) = 1. The decryption is computed
by Y θ
G 1 ( Y )= X with θ
( q i +1) 1 mod q n
1. Unfortunately, Patarin
[39] developed a linearization attack that could find the message.
The hidden field equation (HFE) is a modification of MI proposed by Patarin
[40]. In this scheme,
is given by
α ij X q i + q j +
0 ≤i<d
β i X q i + γ,
( X )=
0 ≤i≤j<d
where d ≥ 1 is an integer and α ij i
is computed by
the Berlekamp algorithm whose complexity depends on the degree of G . Because
the degree of
K . The inversion of
is at most 2 q d− 1 ,thenumber d cannot be too large. Kipnis-Shamir
[32] developed an attack to recover the secret keys S and T on HFE by the
MinRank attacks (see also [25]). The complexity of these attacks depends on d ,
namely, if d is small, the attack will find them effectively. Alternatively, Faugere-
Joux [24] developed attacks that find the message by the Grobner basis algorithm
[23]. While estimations of the complexity of the Grobner basis algorithm is not
easy, the message of the HFE with a small d seems to be found eciently.
The MI and HFE are given by a univariate
.The l IC [21] and l HFE [11]
are derived from
of l variables ( X 1 ,
,X l ). For example, in standard 3IC,
n = m is a multiple of 3, N = n/ 3and
( X 1 ,X 2 ,X 3 )=( X 1 X 2 ,X 2 X 3 ,X 3 X 1 ).
Both the encryption and the decryption of l lIC are faster than MI and HFE.
However, Fouque et al. [27] found that the Grobner basis attack recovers the
message eciently. The l lHFE is derived from more complicated polynomials.
Though Chen et al. [11] claimed that this scheme is also ecient, Bettale et al.
[5] recently pointed out that it is less secure than HFE with the equal-sized keys.
2.1.2 Stepwise Triangular System (STS) Type
This type was first introduced independently of each other by Tsujii et al. [44]
and Shamir [42]. The basic idea is as follows.
Let r
1 be an integer and
n 1 ,
,n r }
m 1 ,
,m r }
series of integers
with 1
n 1 <n 2 <
<n r
= n and 1
m 1 <m 2 <
<m r
= m
respectively. The central map
,g m ( x )) t
G ( x )=( g 1 ( x ) ,
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