Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
lexicography The principles and practices of dictionary
matrix A rectangular array of mathematical elements (as
the coefficients of simultaneous linear equations) that
can be combined to form sums and products with
similar arrays having an appropriate number of rows
and columns.
microprocessor Any of a type of miniature electronic
device that contains the control circuitry necessary to
perform the functions of a digital computer's central
processing unit.
mnemonic A formula or rhyme intended to assist the
monoalphabetic The decryption system that uses the
same fixed mappings from plaintext to cipher letters.
plaintext The intelligible form of an encrypted text or
of its elements.
polyalphabetic The decryption system that uses the
multiple mappings from plaintext to cipher letters.
recursive Of, relating to, or constituting a procedure
that can repeat itself indefinitely.
rotor machine A device used for encrypting and
decrypting secret messages.
scytale A cylindrical instrument designed to perform a
transposition cipher.
theorem A formula, proposition, or statement in math-
ematics or logic deduced or to be deduced from other
formulas or propositions.
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