Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
algorithm A step-by-step procedure for solving a prob-
lem or accomplishing some end, especially by a
alphanumeric Consisting of both letters and numbers
and often other symbols (as punctuation marks and
mathematical symbols).
ASCII A code for representing alphanumeric information.
autokey A cipher that encrypts a plaintext message.
biliteral Consisting of two letters.
cipher A combination of symbolic letters.
cryptanalysis The art of deciphering or even forging
communications that are secured by cryptography.
cryptography Practice of the enciphering and decipher-
ing of messages in secret code in order to render them
unintelligible to all but the intended receiver.
cryptology The scientific study of cryptography and
cryptosecurity The practice of developing secure cryp-
tosystems and implementing them effectively.
cryptosystem A system of algorithms designed to enable
some form of encryption or decryption.
decrypt To decode.
encrypt To disguise information as “ciphertext,” or data
unintelligible to an unauthorized person.
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