Biomedical Engineering Reference
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the justification of the positive effect of this step to assess its utility in the seg-
mentation framework is discussed. Firstly, qualitative evaluation is conducted by
inspecting the visual effect of segmented radiograph under BRANEA algorithm.
The comparisons were illustrated in Fig. 4.10 .
This figure illustrated the effect BRANEA on segmented radiographs.
Figure 4.10 c or Fig. 4.6 f represented the segmented bone regions without being
post-processing by BRANEA, whereas Fig. 4.10 e showed the final segmented
bone region. It was noticeable that the unwanted of bone regions had been
removed and the false labeling of bone region as background pixels have been
recovered. Figure 4.10 b showed the detected edge using entropy method described
in last chapter. Note that the detected edge was not perfect and in fact there are a
lot of bone outline have been missed out. This was expected since edge detection
as described in Chap. 2 that it has a lot of drawbacks and inability in completely
Fig. 4.10 Qualitative evaluation of BRANEA algorithm in recovering and eliminating artifacts.
a Original. b Detected edge. c Segmented regions without BRANEA. d Combination of edge and
segmented regions. e Final segmented region after BRANEA
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