Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 15.14 shows SEMs of diamond on the cutting tool edges with negative biasing (A) and (B)
and without any bias treatment (C) and (D). It is evident that the cutting edges are uniformly coated in
both cases. However, when biasing is employed, there is a considerable reduction of average crystal
size; therefore, negative BEN creates more nucleation sites for diamond growth, resulting in smaller
average crystallite sizes. The negatively bias-assisted and diamond-coated WC-Co dental burs were
tested with human teeth in order to observe their adhesive strength of diamond particles on the surface.
FIGURE 15.15
The cutting edge of a WC-Co dental bur after etching with acid
and Murakami's solution.
20 kv
10 ยต m
FIGURE 15.16
(111) Faceted CVD diamond-coated dental bur.
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