Cryptography Reference
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The p -adic integers are most easily regarded as sums of the form
a n p n ,
n ∈{ 0 , 1 , 2 ,...,p− 1 }.
n =0
Such infinite sums do not converge in the real numbers, but they do make
sense with the p -adic absolute value since
a n p n
Arithmetic operations are carried out just as with finite sums. For example,
in the 3-adic integers,
| p
0as n
(1 + 2 · 3+0 · 3 2 + ··· )+(1+2 · 3+1 · 3 2 + ··· )=2+4 · 3+1 · 3 2 + ···
=2+1 · 3+2 · 3 2 + ···
(where we wrote 4 = 1 + 3 and regrouped, or “carried,” to obtain the last
expression). If
x = a k p k + a k +1 p k +1 +
with a k
−x =( p − a k ) p k +( p − 1 − a k +1 ) p k +1 +( p − 1 − a k +2 ) p k +2 + ··· (A.1)
(use the fact that p k +1 +( p
1) p k +1 +( p
1) p k +2 +
= 0 because the sum
telescopes, so all the terms cancel). Therefore, p -adic integers have additive
inverses. It is not hard to show that the p -adic integers form a ring.
Any rational number with denominator not divisible by p is a p -adic integer.
For example, in the 3-adics,
2 =
1 3 = (1+3+3 2 + ··· )=2+3+3 2 + ··· ,
where we used (A.1) for the last equality. In fact, it can be shown that if
x = n =0 a n p n is a p -adic integer with a 0 =0,then1 /x is a p -adic integer.
The p -adic rationals , which we denote by Q p , are sums of the form
y =
a n p n ,
n = m
with m positive or negative or zero and with a n ∈{
Q p ,
then p k y is a p -adic integer for some integer k .The p -adic rationals form a
field, and every rational number lies in Q p .If a m
0 , 1 ,...,p
.If y
= 0 in (A.2), then we define
|y| p = p −m .
v p ( y )= m,
This agrees with the definitions of the p -adic valuation and absolute value
defined above when y is a rational number.
Another way to look at p -adic integers is the following. Consider sequences
of integers x 1 ,x 2 ,... such that
(mod p m )
x m ≡ x m +1
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