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restricted to Gal( Q / Q ( 5)), is absolutely irreducible, then the above result
of Wiles, with 5 in place of 3, shows that E is modular.
There are only finitely many ell ip tic cur ves over Q for which both the mod 3
representation (res tr icted t o Gal( Q / Q (
3))) and the mod 5 representation
(restricted to Gal( Q / Q ( 5))) are not absolutely irreducible. These finitely
many exceptions can be proved to be modular individually.
Therefore, semistable elliptic curves over Q are modular. Eventually, the
argument was extended by Breuil, Conrad, Diamond, and Taylor to include
all elliptic curves over Q (Theorem 14.4).
The integer n is defined as follows. Let g 0 = b m q m and let
L ( g 0 ,s )=
1 − b −s + 1 2 s 1 ,
b m m −s =
m =1
where S is a finite set of bad primes (in our example, S = { 5 , 17 , 37 } ). Write
1 − b X + X 2 =(1 − α X )(1 − β X ) .
The symmetric square L -function is defined to be
L (Sym 2 g 0 ,s )=
(1 − α 2 −s )(1 − β 2 −s )(1 − α β −s ) 1 .
There exists a naturally defined transcendental number Ω (similar to the pe-
riods considered in Section 9.4), defined by a double integral, such that
L (Sym 2 g 0 , 2)
= r = a rational number .
The number n is defined to be the p -part of r (that is, n is a power of p such
that r equals n times a rational number with numerator and denominator
prime to p ).
The formula that Wiles proved is therefore that L (Sym 2 g 0 , 2) / Ωequals# T A
times a rational number prime to p . This means that the order of an algebraic
object, namely T A , is expressed in terms of the value of an analytic function,
in this case the symmetric square L -function. This formula is therefore of
a nature similar to the analytic class number of algebraic number theory,
which expresses the class number in terms of an L -series, and the conjecture
of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer (see Section 14.2), which expresses the order
of the Shafarevich-Tate group of an elliptic curve in terms of the value of its
L -series.
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