Cryptography Reference
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difference is a linear combination of the form A ( x, y )( x 2
px )+ B ( x, y )( y 2
py )
with A, B
∈O p [[ x, y ]]. The corresponding geometric object is
• •
(0 ,p )( p, p )
S 3 :
• •
(0 , 0) ( p, 0)
It can be shown that two power series give the same function on this set of
four points if they differ by a linear combination of x 2
− px and y 2
− py .The
tangent space is represented by
ax + by
a, b
∈O p }
mod ( px, py ) ,
which means we are considering two linear polynomials to be congruent if
their difference is a linear combination of px and py . It is easy to see that
a 1 x + b 1 y
a 2 x + b 2 y
mod ( px, py )
a 1
a 2 ,
b 2
(mod p ) .
Therefore, the tangent space is isomorphic to Z p Z p .
The inclusion S 1 ⊂ S 3 corresponds to the ring homomorphism
O p [[ x, y ]] / ( x 2
px, y 2
−→ O p [[ x ]] / ( x 2
py )
px ) .
The map on tangent spaces is the map Z p Z p Z p given by projection
onto the first factor.
In all three examples above, the rings are given by power series over O p .
The number of variables equals the number of relations and the resulting
ring is a finitely generated O p -module (this is easily verified in the three
examples). Such rings are called local complete intersections .Forsuch
rings, it is possible to recognize when a map is an isomorphism by looking at
the tangent spaces.
Before proceeding, let's look at an example that is not a local complete
intersection. Consider the ring
O p [[ x, y ]] / ( x 2
− px, y 2
− py, xy ) .
The corresponding geometric object is
(0 ,p )
S 4 :
• •
(0 , 0) ( p, 0)
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