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representation space W of ρ with
J [
J [ ] .
We now have the representation ρ living in J 0 ( N )[ ]andin J [ ]. The rep-
resentation ρ can be detected using the reduction of J 0 ( N )mod q and also
using the reduction of J mod p , and Ribet uses a calculation with quater-
nion algebras to establish a relationship between these two reductions. This
relationship allows him to show that p can be removed from the level N .
REMARK 15.9 A correspondence between modular forms for GL 2 and
modular forms for the multiplicative group of a quaternion algebra plays a
major role in work of Jacquet-Langlands. This indicates a relation between
J 0 ( N )and J . In fact, there is a surjection from J 0 ( N )to J . However, this
map is not being used in the present case since such a map would relate the
reduction of J 0 ( N )mod q to the reduction of J mod q . Instead, Ribet works
with the reduction of J 0 ( N )mod q and the reduction of J mod p .Thisswitch
between p and q is a major step in the proof of Ribet's theorem.
15.4 Sketch of Wiles's Proof
In this section, we outline the proof that all semistable elliptic curves over
Q are modular.
For more details, see [29], [32], [118], [133].
Let E be a
semistable elliptic curve and let
f E =
a n q n
be the associated potential modular form. We want to prove that f E is a
modular form (for some Γ 0 ( N )).
Suppose we have two potential modular forms
f =
g =
c n q n ,
c n q n
arising from Galois representations G
O p is some ring
containing the p -adic integers. We assume that all of the coe cients c n ,c n
are embedded in
GL 2 (
O p )(where
O p is the ring of
p -adic integers, then p = p .) If c ≡ c (mod p ) for almost all primes (that
is, we allow finitely many exceptions), then we write
O p ). Let p be the prime above p in
O p .(If
f ≡ g
(mod p ) .
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