Cryptography Reference
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Modular curves
Recall that SL 2 ( Z ) acts on the upper half plane H by linear fractional
τ = + b
+ d .
The fundamental domain F for this action is described in Section 9.3. The
subgroup Γ 0 ( N ) (defined by the condition that c ≡ 0(mod N )) also acts
on H .The modular curve X 0 ( N ) is defined over C by taking the upper
half plane modulo the action of Γ 0 ( N ), and then adding finitely many points,
called cusps, to make X 0 ( N ) compact. We obtain a fundamental domain
for Γ 0 ( N )bywriting
i γ i Γ 0 ( N )
for some coset representatives γ i and letting D = i γ 1
SL 2 ( Z )=
F . Certain edges of
this fundamental domain are equivalent under the action of Γ 0 ( N ). When
equivalent edges are identified, the fundamental domain gets bent around to
form a surface. There is a hole in the surface corresponding to i
are also finitely many holes corresponding to points where the fundamental
domain touches the real axis. These holes are filled in by points, called cusps ,
to obtain X 0 ( N ). It can be shown that X 0 ( N ) can be represented as an
algebraic curve defined over Q .
Figure 15.1 gives a fundamental domain for Γ 0 (2). The three pieces are
obtained as γ 1
F ,where
γ 1 = 10
2 = 0
3 = 11
The modular curve X 0 ( N ) has another useful description, which works over
arbitrary fields K with the characteristic of K not dividing N . Consid er pairs
( E,C ), where E is an elliptic cu rve (defined over the algebraic closure K )and
C is a cyclic subgroup of E ( K )oforder N . The set of such pa irs is in one-
to-one correspondence with the noncuspidal points of X 0 ( N )( K ). Of course,
it is not obvious that this collection of pairs can be given the structure of an
algebraic curve in a natural way. This takes some work.
Example 15.1
When K = C , we can see this one-to-one correspondence as follows.
elliptic curve can be represented as
E τ = C / ( Z τ + Z ) ,
with τ
, the upper half plane. The set
C τ = 0 ,
N , ..., N 1
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