Cryptography Reference
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C ( K ), then it is possible to perfo rm
the following construction using only numbers from K rather than from K .
This corresponds to the situation in Chapter 2, where we used rational points
to put certain cur ves into Weierstrass form. However, we'll content ourselves
with working over K .
Corollary 11.19 says that
Choose a point P
C ( K ). If P
( n [ P ]) = n
for all n
1 .
Since K ⊆L ([ P ]), which has dimension 1, we have
([ P ]) = K.
Since (2[ P ]) = 2 > ([ P ]), there exists a function f
(2[ P ]) having a
double pole at P and no other poles. Since (3[ P ]) = 3 > (2[ P ]), there exists
a function g
(3[ P ]) with a triple pole at P and no other poles. Since
functions with different order poles at P are linearly independent, we can use
f and g to give bases for several of the spaces
( n [ P ]):
([ P ]) = span(1)
L (2[ P ]) = span(1 ,f )
L (3[ P ]) = span(1 ,f,g )
L (4[ P ]) = span(1 ,f,g,f 2 )
L (5[ P ]) = span(1 ,f,g,f 2 ,fg ) .
We can write down 7 functions in the 6-dimensional space
(6[ P ]), namely
1 ,f,g,f 2 ,fg,f 3 ,g 2 .
These must be linearly dependent, so there exist a 0 ,a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 ,a 4 ,a 6
K with
g 2 + a 1 fg + a 3 g = a 0 f 3 + a 2 f 2 + a 4 f + a 6 .
Note that the coecient of g 2 must be nonzero, hence can be assumed to
be 1, since the remaining functions have distinct orders of poles at P and
are therefore linearly independent. Similarly, a 0
= 0. By multiplying f by a
suitable constant, we may assume that
a 0 =1 .
Let E be the elliptic curve defined by
y 2 + a 1 xy + a 3 y = x 3 + a 2 x 2 + a 4 x + a 6 .
We have a map
ψ : C ( K )
E ( K )
( f ( Q ) ,g ( Q ))
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