Cryptography Reference
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D =[ P ] [ Q ]+div( g 1 ) .
sum( D )= P − Q + sum(div( g 1 )) = P − Q.
Suppose sum( D )= .Then P − Q = ,so P = Q and D = div( g 1 ).
Conversely, suppose D =div( f ) for some function f .Then
[ P ] [ Q ]=div( f/g 1 ) .
The following lemma implies that P = Q , and hence sum( D )= .This
completes the proof of Theorem 11.2.
LEMMA 11. 3
Let P, Q ∈ E ( K ) and suppose there existsafunction h on E with
div( h )=[ P ]
[ Q ] .
Then P = Q .
Since the proof is slightly long, we postpone it until the end of this section.
sum : Div 0 ( E ) (principal divisors) −→ E ( K )
isanisom orphism of groups.
]) = P , the sum map from Div 0 ( E )to E ( K )is
surjective. The theorem says that the kernel is exactly the principal divisors.
Since sum([ P ]
Corollary 11.4 shows that the group law on E ( K ) corresponds to the very
natural group law on Div 0 ( E ) mod principal divisors.
Example 11.4
The proof of the theorem gives an algorithm for finding a function with a
given divisor (of degree 0 and sum equal to
). Consider the elliptic curve E
over F 11 given by
y 2 = x 3 +4 x.
D =[(0 , 0)] + [(2 , 4)] + [(4 , 5)] + [(6 , 3)] 4[ ] .
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