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where ζ = e 2 πi/d . Fix a and d with ad = N .
CLAIM 10.13 d− 1
P ( ζ b e 2 πiaτ/d )) =
p k ( e 2 πiaτ/d ) X k
( X
b =0
k =0
isapolynom ialin X w hose coe cients p k are Laurent series in e 2 πiaτ/d with
integer coe cients.
In the statement of the claim and in the following, a Laurent series will
always be one with only finitely many negative terms (in other words, a power
series plus finitely many terms with negative exponents). Everything in the
claim is obvious except the fact that the coe cients of the Laurent series p k
are integers. One proof of this is as follows. The coe cients of each p k lie in
Z [ ζ ]. The Galois group of Q ( ζ ) / Q permutes the factors of the product, hence
leaves the coecients of p k unchanged. Therefore, they are in Q . But the
elements of Z [ ζ ] Q are algebraic integers in Q , hence are in Z .Thisproves
the claim.
For a proof of the claim that does not use Galois theory, consider the matrix
010 ··· 0
001 ··· 0
Z =
. . .
Let 0
b<d and let
ζ b
ζ 2 b
ζ b ( d− 1)
v b =
Then Zv b = ζ b v b . It follows that
P ( e 2 πiaτ/d Z ) v b = P ( ζ b e 2 πiaτ/d ) v b .
Therefore, the numbers P ( ζ b e 2 πiaτ/d ), for 0 ≤ b<d , are a complete set of
eigenvalues for the d×d matrix P ( e 2 πiaτ/d Z ), so the characteristic polynomial
P ( ζ b e 2 πiaτ/d )) .
( X
b =0
But the entries of the matrix P ( e 2 πiaτ/d Z ) are Laurent series in e 2 πiaτ/d with
integer coecients. Therefore, the coecients of the characteristic polynomial
are power series in e 2 πiaτ/d with integer coe cients. This proves the claim.
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