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10.3 Integrality of j-invariants
At the end of Section 10.1, we showed that the j -invariant of a lattice,
or of a complex elliptic curve, with complex multiplication by an order in an
imaginary quadratic field is algebraic over Q . This means that the j -invariant
is a root of a polynomial with rational coecients. In the present section, we
show that this j -invariant is an algebraic integer, so it is a root of a monic
polynomial with integer coecients.
Let R be an order inanimaginary quadraticfieldand et L be a lattice w ith
L .Then j ( L ) isanalgebraicinteger. E quivalently, let E be an elliptic
curve over C with com plex m ultiplication. T hen j ( E ) isanalgebraicinteger.
The proof of the theorem will occupy the remainder of th is se ction. The
theorem has an amusing consequence. The ring R = Z 1+ 16 2 is a prin-
cipal ideal domain (see [16]), so there is only one equivalence class of ideals
of R , namely the one represented by R . The proof of Proposition 10.4 shows
that all automorphisms of C must fix j ( R ), where R is regarded as a lattice.
Therefore, j ( R )
Q . The only algebraic integers in Q are the elements of Z ,
so j ( R )
Z . Recall that j ( τ )isthe j -invariant of the lattice Z τ + Z ,andthat
j ( τ )= 1
q + 744 + 196884 q + 21493760 q 2 +
where q = e 2 πiτ .When τ = 1+ 163
,wehave R = Z τ + Z and
q = −e −π 163 .
e π 163 + 744
196884 e −π 163 + 21493760 e 2 π 163 +
Z .
196884 e −π 163
21493760 e 2 π 163 +
< 10 12 ,
we find that e π 163 differs from an integer by less than 10 12 .Infact,
e π 163 = 262537412640768743 . 999999999999250 ...,
as predicted. In the days when high precision ca lcu lation was not widely
available, it was often claimed as a joke that e π 163 was an integer. Any
calculation with up to 30 places of accuracy seemed to indicate that this was
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